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Kathleen CHO

Portrait Kathleen CHO

Kathleen CHO

Titre : PhD

Fonction : PI

Entités de rattachement : INSERM



2004-2009 : Doctorat au département des sciences du cerveau et de la cognition, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

2000-2004 : BS au département de neuroscience et BA au département d'histoire, Brown University

Travaux de recherche

Travaux de recherche

Cortex préfrontal, interneurones, oscillations gamma, flexibilité cognitive.

Principales publications

Principales publications

  • Cho KKA, Shi J, Phensy AJ, Turner ML, Sohal VS (2023). Long-range inhibition synchronizes and updates prefrontal task activity. Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06012-9. PMID: 37100905. 
  • Cho KKA, Davidson TJ, Bouvier G, Marshall JD, Schnitzer MJ, Sohal VS. (2020). Cross-hemispheric gamma synchrony between prefrontal parvalbumin interneurons supports behavioral adaptation during rule shift learning. Nat Neurosci, 23:892-902. PMID: 32451483.
  • Cho KKA, Hoch R, Lee AT, Patel T, Rubenstein JLR, Sohal VS. (2015). Gamma rhythms link prefrontal interneuron dysfunction with cognitive inflexibility in Dlx5/6+/- mice. Neuron, 85(6):1332-1343. PMID: 25754826.
  • Cho KKA*, Khibnik L*, Philpot BD, Bear MF. (2009). The ratio of NR2A/B NMDA receptor subunits determines the qualities of ocular dominance plasticity in visual cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 106(13):5377-82. PMID: 17296552. *equal authorship.
  • Philpot BD*, Cho KKA*, Bear MF. (2007). Obligatory role of NR2A for metaplasticity in visual cortex. Neuron. 53(4):495-502. PMID: 17296552. *equal authorship

Equipe(s) de rattachement


Physiologie cellulaire des microcircuits corticaux

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