Speaker : Andreas LUTHI, Friedrich Miescher Institute for biomedical research.
"Brain mechanisms for emotional states"
Speaker : Esther KLINGLER, Research group molecular neurobiology - VIB-KU Leuven.
"Developmental gene expression patternsdriving species-specificfeatures"
Speaker : Alexandre CHARLET, CNRS Institute of cellular & integrative neuroscience Strasbourg.
"Astrocytes in mice central amygdala mediates oxytocin-dependent behavioral adaptation"
Jeudi 13 mars avec Jean-Michel BESNIER, Philosophe.
Speaker : Isabelle PERETZ, University of Montreal faculty of art sand science department of psychology.
"Chanter dans le cerveau"
Jeudi 17 avril avec Philippe AGHION, Économiste Européen, Collège de France.